Visit our Program webpage for current information about
the North Atlantic Right Whale Program.

The Marine Resources Council's Right Whale Monitoring Program was established in 1995 to reduce human impacts to the endangered North Atlantic right whale. Citizens on the east coast of Florida report land‑based sightings of right whales to our hotline (1‑888‑97‑WHALE). This information is passed on to local ship traffic to avoid ship strikes, which account for over one‑third of documented right whale deaths in the North Atlantic Ocean.


The endangered right whale utilizes the Atlantic Coast off Georgia and Florida as calving grounds. Volunteer spotters, living in high rise condos beachside report right whale sightings to track the whales' movement and behavior patterns along the Atlantic Coast in an effort to determine migration characteristics of these highly endangered marine mammals.

Report Sightings Toll-Free to

1-888-97-WHALE (1-888-979-4253)

Mission Statement for Volunteer Whale Observers

To be the eyes, ears and voice of the northern right whale in its only known calving grounds off the Florida Atlantic coast.

To cooperate with scientists and resource managers and report whale sightings to alert ships at sea in order to reduce ship collisions, the greatest known cause of death of northern right whales.

To gather scientific data regarding right whale occurrence, movement patterns and behavioral characteristics in the southeast critical habitat.